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I’m sure, like many other people, I find the beginning of a new year a time for reflection over the year(s) past. I like to recap on lessons learnt, think about how I want the next year to be and sometimes even have a loose plan of action.
30 December 2012 | Category: Dairy free, Dips, Gluten free, Healthy, Make your own, Paleo, Quick & easy, Raw, Snacks, Thermomix, Vegan, Vegetarian | | | |
Cooking with seasonal ingredients is something I always try to do. It gives our dishes the best possible flavour because the produce is at its peak when it is in season. It also means that we can (generally) source items from our local area.
This was one of […]
I never thought I’d own a Thermomix, let alone actually be doing in-home demonstrations and loving being an Independent Consultant for the product.
Why? You might ask. Sometimes I tell my story about how I started in this business during my demos. Briefly, I owned every kitchen appliance known to […]
When I think about what we ate before purchasing our Thermomix it was quite different to what we eat now. At the time I used to think we had quite a healthy diet. Lots of fruit and vegetables, red meat a few times a week, chicken and never enough fish […]
I’m constantly amazed at how my Thermomix makes the most difficult cooking creations so easy. A few weeks ago I decided to adapt a recipe for a steamed sweet potato puddings. They were delicious and so much easier with the Thermomix.
One of the other things that little […]
I may have mentioned before that making desserts is one of my favourite things to do in the kitchen and looking at my last few Newsletters I seem to do a lot of it :). Clients often ask me if I actually eat the food I create because they think […]
As mentioned in previous posts, eating a healthy breakfast is important to both G & I. In winter we usually enjoy a bowl of porridge and in the warmer months we both like some kind of cereal. I’ve been making quite a bit of bircher recently but G wanted a change. Normally […]
A good espresso is something that is celebrated in our house. For the past few years G has immersed himself into the world of caffeine and has become quite the self-educated connoisseur. His love of this habit (for want of a better word) has also meant that half of our kitchen […]
Valentine’s Day has never been something that I have celebrated. I prefer to show my special man that I love him whenever I feel like it throughout the year rather than on one particular day. I’m also very fortunate that G feels exactly the same. We both buy each […]
Christmas is widely considered to be a time for giving. Being a “foodie” I am overjoyed by any opportunity to cook for others. Christmas gives me a wonderful excuse to create homemade gifts for friends and loved ones. My staples for the past few years have been White chocolate and […]
Reading recipes was once just a hobby for me but it has fast become an obsession. So much so, that I have adopted the description that one of my friends used once to describe the copious number of cookbooks she owns, “food porn”. So I guess I should be saying, […]
Finding new and interesting ways to use overripe bananas seems to be a constant challenge, especially lately. I buy them with the best of intentions to make sure that I eat at least one piece of fruit each day. The only problem being that I am quite fickle when it […]
Recently I wrote about the generosity of a friend who gave me some mandarins from his orchard and that I decided to make mandarin muffins to take to the office and share with others. On the day I chose to make them I needed a recipe that was quick and easy […]
In some of my previous posts I have mentioned the generosity of friends and colleagues when it comes to serving my passion for cooking. Several of them grow their own fruit and vegetables and often I am the fortunate recipient of any excess goods that they may have.
One […]
When we go over to friends for a casual dinner they will sometimes allow me to bring dessert. I love being able to make things that I know they love. Recently, Aunty J invited us for Friday night pizza so I insisted on providing the sweet treat to follow our […]
As you may already know I never seem to need an excuse to bake something as it is one of my favourite hobbies. However, when there is a good reason for doing so it makes it that little bit more exciting. Last Monday was National RSPCA cupcake day here in OZ. So what […]
Whenever we have visitors I always like to have something in the cupboard to offer them to have with a cup of tea or coffee. So when G told me that he was going to catch up with a couple of mates and then invite them over for a cuppa […]
Winter time in Perth is generally milder than most other Australian cities but this year it has been exceptionally so. Last weekend temperatures were in the mid 20’s (70°F) with no rain in sight for at least another five days. While the lack of rain causes its […]
I am fortunate enough to have some wonderful friends who not only recognise my passion for cooking but also foster it in many ways. Their generosity is, at times, somewhat overwhelming although sincerely appreciated. I am often lucky enough to be given ingredients, especially home grown items such as fruit […]
Having fruit that is a little past its prime seems like an endless reoccurrence in our house, especially when it comes to bananas. I’m not sure if I buy too many or whether neither of us eat enough but there always seems to be some left by the end of […]