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Raw lamingtons

Lamingtons are almost an Australian institution and have long been associated with Australia Day. They come in all shapes and sizes from traditional slab cakes covered in chocolate and coconut to a lamington smoothie!?!

I gave this recipe “The Healthy Spin” and came up with something slightly alternative (truly – they are a far […]

Mango, ginger and lime chia pudding


Summer is here! It seems that we’ve had lots of warm weather all over Australia recently. I love this time of year because of the wonderful produce that is available to us all. One of those special treats for me is mango. I don’t eat a lot of them because of the sugar […]

(paleo) No-bake bars

I originally wanted to make something with an Anzac spin on it. I thought of some kind of “Anzac Bar” so that they could be easily consumed with your favourite brew after attending a dawn service. As I was making them I thought “don’t mess with the original”. Sometimes […]

(paleo) Faux white chocolate

Easter time is one of those joyous occasions when many of us catch up with family and friends. Good food, company and a beverage or two.

There also tends to be LOTS of chocolate in one form or another. Easter hunts are still as popular as ever with more and […]

(paleo) Lemon cheesecake

Food journeys, diets, eating plans, lifestyle choices. These all evolve, grow and change, at times somewhat dramatically throughout our lives.

Food has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. My “journey” began as a youngster in the kitchen with my Mum. I remember helping to make sausage […]

(paleo/raw) Trio of smoothies

The start of a new year seems to be the time that many of us make resolutions to change something in our life for the better. While I’m not one to do so because I feel like I am setting myself up to fail, it is a time that I reflect on […]

Trio of healthy dips with homemade crackers

I’m sure, like many other people, I find the beginning of a new year a time for reflection over the year(s) past. I like to recap on lessons learnt, think about how I want the next year to be and sometimes even have a loose plan of action.

30 December 2012 | Category: Dairy free, Dips, Gluten free, Healthy, Make your own, Paleo, Quick & easy, Raw, Snacks, Thermomix, Vegan, Vegetarian | 10 comments | | |

Chocolate cake (raw/vegan/paleo)

Recently I’ve been varying our diet a little (much to G’s dismay) by trying to get a few more veggies and leafy greens into each meal. That includes breakfast and dessert. And although my banana, chocolate breakfast shake, including a huge handful of spinach (I know it sounds bad), seemed […]