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Lamingtons are almost an Australian institution and have long been associated with Australia Day. They come in all shapes and sizes from traditional slab cakes covered in chocolate and coconut to a lamington smoothie!?!
I gave this recipe “The Healthy Spin” and came up with something slightly alternative (truly – they are a far […]
Strawberry season signifies summer for me. The beautiful rich red colour, sweet smell and amazing flavour of a ripe berry makes me want to use them in as many ways as possible. Making jam is not only a great way to preserve them to use later but also a fabulous way to use up […]
Summer is here! It seems that we’ve had lots of warm weather all over Australia recently. I love this time of year because of the wonderful produce that is available to us all. One of those special treats for me is mango. I don’t eat a lot of them because of the sugar […]
I have always said “when life gives you lemons……..make something you love to eat”. 
There are many things that I love to make with lemons and one of my absolute favourites is lemon curd. My pre-healthy life saw me make this recipe which (at the time) I absolutely loved. For me it is […]
I originally wanted to make something with an Anzac spin on it. I thought of some kind of “Anzac Bar” so that they could be easily consumed with your favourite brew after attending a dawn service. As I was making them I thought “don’t mess with the original”. Sometimes […]
Chocolate has always been one of my favourite things. However, over the years my tastes have changed slightly and more recently I have turned to the “dark side”, preferring nothing less than 70% cacao. That being said, I developed this recipe with others in mind also.
I have […]
Lamb has always been one of my favourite sources of protein. In fact it was the first meat I ate when I broke out of my 15 years of vegetarianism!
For as long as I can remember it ahs almost been traditional to have some form of lamb as part of Australia day celebrations. […]
I’ve never been a big bread eater. I remember as a child the only thing I really liked was plain white bread with vegemite and grated cheese and even that was only when I was quite young. As I grew older and my palate developed it wasn’t something I gravitated […]
Shortbread is one of the treats I enjoy and following a paleo lifestyle doesn’t mean I miss out. I love the rich buttery taste and the slightly crumbly texture that almost melted in your mouth yet still had a little crunch. That is exactly what I wanted from this recipe and I […]
The weather has finally warmed up a little in Perth. For me, that means my eating habits change. I want to eat lighter, brighter food. So it is almost time to say goodbye to my curries and wintery stews and hello to more salads, shakes and ice creams. It also means the opportunity for […]
In my humble opinion, society today feels like a world of convenience. I know this is rather a serious statement for the start my post with but I really feel this dictates many of our daily choices. We all want things faster, easier and with less effort on our own […]
Easter time is one of those joyous occasions when many of us catch up with family and friends. Good food, company and a beverage or two.
There also tends to be LOTS of chocolate in one form or another. Easter hunts are still as popular as ever with more and […]
In January 2010, I said “Hello” to the blogging community and started my Food 4 Thought website. My goal was to put my passion for cooking into pages to share with others and hopefully along the way, inspire people to cook.
How things have changed! I still love […]
Food journeys, diets, eating plans, lifestyle choices. These all evolve, grow and change, at times somewhat dramatically throughout our lives.
Food has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. My “journey” began as a youngster in the kitchen with my Mum. I remember helping to make sausage […]
These days I hear more and more about people with food allergies or sensitivities and I’ve discovered that I’m one of those people.
Learning more about how my body reacts to certain foods has prompted me to ask questions like what am I doing that is contributing to […]
Mother’s Day is the one day of the year where most of us stop, even if only briefly, to recognise the AMAZING job that Mothers do in this world. I’m sure the word “job” should actually be in flashing lights because it is a 24/7, all consuming lifetime commitment.
I […]
I know the title of this recipe is almost an oxymoron, but it’s true. I designed this recipe because G & I have been (attempting) a Paleo diet of late. The concept is really interesting and (I think) we are starting to see some results. I’ll elaborate a little more […]
The start of a new year seems to be the time that many of us make resolutions to change something in our life for the better. While I’m not one to do so because I feel like I am setting myself up to fail, it is a time that I reflect on […]
It never ceases to amaze me how popular the Thermomix has become. It seems to be the “BBQ conversation” for both men and women. Many more husbands are buying the Thermomix as a Christmas gift and lots more Mums want them before Christmas to help with the festive food. Mmmmm […]
Making dough using the Thermomix is one of the simplest and most enjoyable things to do. This is mainly because the effort is minimal in comparison to the delicious results.
You can let your imagination run wild to create any flavour, shape and texture that you like. In […]