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Sweet potato and coconut steamed pudding

I’m constantly amazed at how my Thermomix makes the most difficult cooking creations so easy. A few weeks ago I decided to adapt a recipe for a steamed sweet potato puddings. They were delicious and so much easier with the Thermomix.

One of the other things that little […]

Linguine with lemon, parmesan and soft poached eggs

Sunday evenings are when we usually like to relax at home, especially if we’ve had a busy weekend working on projects or out socialising. This weekend I’ve been working around the house partially completing my annual spring clean (which I should have done months ago) and G has been dedicated to […]

Salty caramel and chocolate christmas crackers

Christmas is widely considered to be a time for giving. Being a “foodie” I am overjoyed by any opportunity to cook for others. Christmas gives me a wonderful excuse to create homemade gifts for friends and loved ones. My staples for the past few years have been White chocolate and […]

Cauliflower, watercress and blue cheese soup

When you are passionate about cooking, read as many recipes as I do and cook as often as I cook you tend to learn rather quickly there are certain ingredients that just seem to belong together. I associate it with any other relationship. Sometimes, two people […]

Sautéed brussels sprouts with bacon and almonds

When I was a child I was considered one of the ‘weird kids’ for many reasons. I was always on time, I liked my teachers, I loved sports and I ate things that other kids wouldn’t even look at. Things like lambs fry, cabbage and brussels […]

Potato crusted silverbeet and feta tart

Being a self confessed food and cooking addict means that I have several vices such as most pieces of obscure kitchen equipment known to man; too many cookbooks to fit on any bookshelves in existence and a substantial collection of food pornography in the form of several magazine collections. It is […]

Red lentil, kumara and coconut soup

A little while ago I realised that my obsession for food magazines and cookbooks was completely out of control. My bookshelves were almost bursting out of the shelves, my spare room looked more like a library as each day passed and the spare piles of magazines were becoming high enough […]

Asian beef and rice bowl

There are many addictions in the world and it would be remise of me not to admit to one of my own. Cooking magazines. Not quite as bad as cook books, although the only reason I buy magazines is because I have so many books that my shelving is beginning to look a […]