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Need to use – Egg whites

Being invited to a friends place for dinner is a special treat for me as not too many people will invite and willingly cook for a (self confessed) food junkie. However, our friend M is a wonderful cook in his own right and often provides me with recipes for his generous and delicious […]

Need to use – Banana (part 2)

In our house, fresh fruit is something that we tend to eat more in the summer, although we still go through fads. One week we’ll eat quite a bit and others it just seems to sit around. The most common thing we seem to be left with at the end of the week […]

Snap, Crackle & Pop at work – Muesli slice

When I was a child I loved the Kelloggs Rice Bubbles (Rice Krispies for those people not in Oz) ad on TV. Snap, Crackle and Pop were the three character who bought the breakfast cereal to life. Unfortunately not even my adoration for them meant that I was committed to the cereal for […]

In need of a sweet treat – Orange polenta biscuits

Today was one of those days when I sincerely appreciated how the world works. You know what I mean, when things just seem to work out for the best. This morning I was supposed to go for an early walk with a girlfriend I haven’t seen in some time, but […]