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Indian feast – 4 delicious dishes

I have mentioned my love for cooking with spices in many posts and have included both Thai and Indian categories in my list because they are two of the cuisines I cook whenever I have the opportunity. I sometimes find that making spice mixes and curry […]

Designing a new class – Indian

One of the things that I love most about cooking is passing on all the information that I have learnt over the years. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to do that in several ways. My blog allows me to share my cooking ‘journey’ and thoughts with you all while my classes […]

Make you own – Garam marsala

Some people find cooking with spices confusing but for me it is one of my favourite things. I love being able to create such depth and layers of flavours while also keeping things light and bright on the palate and this is something that I consider exciting and challenging. Therefore, […]

Aromatic chicken pilau

Seeing the final few leaves fall from the frangipani tree signified that winter is just around the corner. This makes me feel a little sad because I love the summer and autumn months in Perth. The heat can be exhausting when it is at its most […]