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Pizza pockets

Making dough using the Thermomix is one of the simplest and most enjoyable things to do. This is mainly because the effort is minimal in comparison to the delicious results.

You can let your imagination run wild to create any flavour, shape and texture that you like. In […]

Red velvet cake (colour free)

Inspiration to create a new recipe can come from many and varied places. Tasting something that someone else has made, pictures of food, someone else’s recipe or even a Birthday card.

I had a Birthday recently and was fortunate enough to receive many warm wishes in the form […]

Leek and bacon tart

I remember my first few weeks of owning a Thermomix. Like many people, I was unsure about how it really worked or what I had to do. My feelings were a mixture of fear and excitement all rolled into one. I was so pleased to have this amazing machine on […]

“Bonnie” (Dog) biscuits

When I think about what we ate before purchasing our Thermomix it was quite different to what we eat now. At the time I used to think we had quite a healthy diet. Lots of fruit and vegetables, red meat a few times a week, chicken and never enough fish […]

Strawberry cheesecake with strawberries in rose syrup

There are times that I can take one look at a photo of a dish and know that I want to cook it. That is exactly what happened when I saw this cake of the cover of the October 2010 issue of Australian Gourmet Traveller. It took me a […]

Cauliflower, watercress and blue cheese soup

When you are passionate about cooking, read as many recipes as I do and cook as often as I cook you tend to learn rather quickly there are certain ingredients that just seem to belong together. I associate it with any other relationship. Sometimes, two people […]