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Chicken risotto

During my classes I have often been asked what I thought of the Thermomix when I first saw it. My response has always been the same. “An amazing machine, can do so many things but I wouldn’t buy one”. When I was asked why I would never be a Thermomix owner my […]

Espresso marshmallows

A good espresso is something that is celebrated in our house. For the past few years G has immersed himself into the world of caffeine and has become quite the self-educated connoisseur. His love of this habit (for want of a better word) has also meant that half of our kitchen […]

Raspberry marshmallows

Valentine’s Day has never been something that I have celebrated. I prefer to show my special man that I love him whenever I feel like it throughout the year rather than on one particular day. I’m also very fortunate that G feels exactly the same. We both buy each […]